We've all learned that computer programming has grown in popularity over the last three decades. Many students nowadays want to major in Computer Science in order to work for their dream techs business, such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, or Apple.

What is Programming?

What is Programming?

We can decipher the word "programming" and its use, as well as several other similar words, in this blog post.

In layman's words, understanding programming

"Instructing a machine to perform a wide variety of tasks" is what programming entails.


“Instruct the machine” simply means giving it a series of instructions written in a language that the computer understands. The directions may be in a variety of formats. Consider the following scenario:

  • Adding two numbers,
  • Rounding a number, and so on.

Computers, like humans, can understand a limited number of languages (English, Spanish, Mandarin, French, and so on). Computers may understand instructions written in a programming language, which is a particular syntactical type.

“Perform various tasks”: the tasks can be simple, such as the ones we discussed above (adding two numbers, rounding off a number), or complex, such as the ones we discussed above (adding two numbers, rounding off a number). Consider the following scenario:

  • Calculate simple interest given a principal, a rate, and a period.
  • Calculating the average return on a stock for the last five years.

Any of the above activities necessitate complex calculations. They are seldom represented in simple instructions, such as adding two numbers.

To summarise, programming is a method of instructing computers to perform a particular task.

Why should you bother learning to code?

You may be perplexed as to why a computer is needed for adding or rounding off numbers. Or even for calculating basic interest? After all, even an eighth-grader can do some things with large numbers with ease. What is the purpose of programming? What are the advantages of computers?

Computers, on the other hand, have several advantages:

  • Computers are lightning-fast machines. If you know how to use computer programming correctly, you can do incredible things. For a modern computer of today's time, adding two numbers that could be as big as a billion each takes hardly a nanosecond. Read it once more - nanosecond! That means a computer can do a billion additions per second. Is it even possible to achieve such a feat? Forget billions of additions per second; the average individual can only make ten. As a result, computers are extremely fast.
  • PCs are modest: on the off chance that you were a financial exchange investigator and you needed to screen the information of say 1000 stocks so you can rapidly exchange them. Envision the problem that would make if you somehow happened to do it physically! It is simply unrealistic. The price of the stock can change while you are performing your calculations on the stock's exhibition. The other option is to recruit individuals with the goal that you can screen more stocks equal. That implies your expense goes up essentially. Also the difficulty you will confront if a portion of your workers submits an estimation mistake simultaneously. You may wind up losing cash! The difference that with the situation where you utilize a PC. PCs can handle an enormous measure of data rapidly and dependably. 1000 stocks aren't anything for PCs in the 21st century.
  • Computers can run nonstop for 24 hours a day, seven days a week: So, if you have a big task, you can assign it to a computer and sleep well at night by programming it.

What is the meaning of a programming language?

As previously stated, computers understand instructions written in a programming language, which is a particular syntactical type. A programming language enables a programmer to express a task in a way that a computer can comprehend and carry out. Python, C, C++, Java, php and other common programming languages are just a few examples.

programming language

What are the benefits of learning computer programming?

Now that you've learned so much about programming, the big question is: why do you study computer programming? Let us look at why:

  • Programming is a fun activity: You may use programming to create your own games, a personal blog/profile page, a social networking site such as Facebook, a search engine such as Google, or an e-commerce site such as Amazon. Isn't it going to be fantastic? Imagine creating your own game, releasing it on the Play Store, and seeing tens of thousands of people download it!
  • Giant computer: programs written by a collaboration of thousands of professional programmers form the backbones of today's technology companies such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, and many others. Knowing programming will help you start the next big tech company if you have the right business sense.
  • Computer programmers are paid: exceptionally well almost anywhere in the world. Top programmers in Silicon Valley receive millions of dollars per year. Several companies provide starting salaries of up to $100,000 a year.