On May 23, 1995, the programming language and computing platform known as Java was presented at the SunWorld conference. On numerous occasions, this technology is what your computer will have required you to download if you wanted the website or application you were using to work correctly.

The Sun Microsystems company had been working in this language for several years, which, as they themselves define, “ is everywherefrom laptops to data centers, from game consoles to supercomputers, from mobile phones to the Internet ”. Thus, Java was born with the idea of ​​working on any device.

Something that it has undoubtedly achieved in its more than 20 years of existence, being a fundamental piece in the business of many companies. Java is present in various fields of programming and both professionals in the sector and digital users have made use of it.

Its origins date back to 1991 when Sun Microsystem commissioned the creation of a new language, which was nourished by the best of each of the existing ones, to the team of Jame Gosling, known as Green Team. Initially, this technology was known as The Green Project in honor of its researchers, later it was renamed Oak and finally, this name was discarded as it is already a registered trademark. Thus arose the definitive name: Java.

The Green Project or Oak thus were the first denominations of what we now know as Java

How did the name Java come about?

Various media have echoed the anecdotes that are linked to the choice of this final nameSome argue that the acronym came from the name of its main creators: J James Gosling, A Arthur Van Hoff, and Andy Bechtolsheim. Others define it as an invented acronym: Just Another Vague Acronym (“just another ambiguous acronym”) and the one that takes the most force is the one that associates it with the type of coffee that the Java developers consumed in their workplace. In fact, it is the symbol that appears next to his name forming the logo.

During all these years, Java has managed to be the programming language of choice for nine million developers and operates on 7 billion devicesData that undoubtedly place the professionals in this sector are the most demanded in the technological and digital fields. Training in this area is easier than you think. At Tokio School we have the Java Programmer course with which you can become that Java programmer that many companies are waiting for.

Java has managed to be the programming language of choice for nine million developers and operate on 7 billion devices